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MyTax Toolkit

4.0 ( 6160 ratings )
Forfatter: Malta Information Technology Agency

Taxpayers will be able to view a detailed breakdown of their personal income tax and VAT balance with the office of the Commissioner for Revenue. The app also allows settlement of any pending bills through Malta’s Government Payment Gateway. The App is also designed to assist taxpayers in checking tax and social security contributions deducted from their salary


Taxpayers ikunu jistgħu jaraw fid-dettall il-bilanċ personali tat-taxxa fuq l-income u VAT. Permezz ta’ din l-app jistgħu wkoll iħallsu ammonti dovuti lill-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi mis-sistema ċentrali tal-Gvern Malti. Din l-app tgħin ukoll lit-taxpayers biex jiċċekkjaw it-taxxa u l-kontribuzzjonijiet tas-sigurtà soċjali mnaqqsa mis-salarju tagħhom